Industrial waste management and comingled recycling methods that focus on reuse and sustainability

Industrial waste can be of various types like biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste, hazardous waste, chemical waste, and toxic waste. It also includes secondary waste, which is generated as a result of handling, storing, and treating primary waste. Additionally, there is also industrial wastewater that cannot be simply allowed to go to water streams. As such, each type of waste stream requires proper industrial waste management techniques with rigorous attention to safety, compliance, and environmental protection. Given the multifarious nature of industrial waste, industrial waste management techniques should focus on minimum harmful impact on the environment and maximum recycling of recoverable material.    

All waste generated by industrial and commercial establishments should be stored in appropriate bins or containers with well-fitting lids. The bins should be correctly labelled and colour-coded so that the right type of waste goes to the right bin. Whether situated inside or outside, bins should be in a presentable condition and free of any dirt, dried liquids, or accumulated waste. The bin storage area should be earmarked to prevent conflicting use of the area. This will also minimise the impact of inappropriately stored bins on local amenities. Waste handling equipment, such as balers and compactors provided by industrial waste management services, should conform to relevant design and safety standards.   


Unique expertise in industrial waste management   


As experts in industrial waste management and co-mingled recycling, Richmond Waste has trained personnel and equipment to deal with any industrial waste management challenge that establishments face in Australia. The specialised waste management company has unique expertise and a broad portfolio of industrial waste management and co-mingled recycling solutions. The process starts with segregating industrial waste like glass, plastic, and paper from bio-degradable waste. For this, separate bins for recyclable and non-recyclable waste can be placed at the premises. Reducing the amount of consumables and the volume of waste not only makes industrial waste management easy but also reduces the risks to public health and the environment.   


Specialised solutions for industrial wastewater   


Treating industrial waste and adhering to co-mingled recycling practices helps in reducing disposal costs while reusing recycled materials as substitutes for virgin material reduces the cost of raw material and final product. For the manufacturing industry, brewery, food industry, textiles, and mining and quarrying that generate a lot of industrial wastewater, Richmond Waste provides specialised solutions so that wastewater is treated and reused, not simply disposed of to drains. Many oils can be recovered from industrial wastewater surfaces simply with the help of skimming devices. For skimming grease, skimmers must be equipped with heaters powerful enough to keep grease in the fluid form for discharge. A device called API Separator is often used to separate oil and suspended solids from wastewater effluents.   


Performance drivers and performance enablers   


The circular economy demands co-mingled recycling, yet many cities struggle with overflowing landfills as they are unable to recover valuable resources from the waste stream. Richmond Waste’s experience shows that with proper emphasis on performance drivers to manage waste and maximising recovery, and performance enablers that ensure ongoing success with co-mingled recycling, efforts to increase the rate of recycling will not result in the desired outcomes as far as industrial waste management is concerned. Richmond Waste realises that the Australian cities of Lismore, Ballina, Byron, Kyogle, and Richmond Valley council areas are at different stages of maturity in developing industrial waste management. That's why, Richmond Waste creates customised pathways in consultation with each client to provide industrial waste management solutions that cater to their specific needs.   

Safe and effective waste management practices prevent the waste from contaminating the environment and soil. Richmond Waste can also help in reducing the cost of your industrial waste management and co-mingled recycling with the establishment of efficient waste management practices. These include the identification of waste streams, the amount of waste generated by each stream, risks present, and choosing the right disposal method for each type of waste stream. Their waste management team will also evaluate your existing waste disposal methods, and determine where the organisation is strongest, and where it could improve.   


Repurposing and salvaging waste material   


The team at Richmond Waste will also identify opportunities for reusing and repurposing waste. For example, if you are a construction business, the team will find ways to reuse leftover materials or repurpose salvaged materials from a demolition. Some waste can be diverted from the disposal stream and broken down for recycling. Paper, glass, old electronics, plastic and food waste can easily be recycled. Anything that cannot be recycled or reused must go to a landfill which uses effective waste management methods that minimise the harmful impact on the soil. Richmond Waste’s comingled recycling and industrial waste management solutions are designed to keep your business compliant with local and federal laws.



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