Co-Mingled Recycling: Everything You Need to Know

Recycling has emerged as a practice that can help in reversing the impact done by decades of improper waste disposal practices. Although it is not sufficient in itself to eliminate large-scale problems like global warming and pollution, it’s a step in the right direction. Today, we’ll take a look at co-mingled recycling , a method used to recycle various items like glass, paper, plastic, and much more. What is Co-Mingled Recycling? For many years, we’ve been taught to keep different kinds of waste items separate from each other to ensure they’re processed with ease. However, this method can change with the help of co-mingled recycling, also known as single-stream recycling. In this recycling practice, a single collection truck is used by waste collection companies to gather all types of waste materials including glass, paper, metals, plastics, etc. This is a completely new approach as compared to traditional p...